Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch for Friday March 4th 2016
Video File Link: Download Here
Review of LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch Friday March 4th, 2016.
WOW! George was supercharged today!
You could feel the energy in his voice, he was so excited about some new developments at Worldprofit.
As always questions and demonstration requests are encouraged so that each person gets the most meaning from the training.
Topics Covered in this session by video webcast.
A. 4 Ways you can make Money FASTER using Worldprofit's system.
1. Sales Funnel Builder
Worldprofit members you now have 9 ready-to-use Sales Funnels. Turbo List Builder has been ADDED to your Sales Funnels.
These are already set up for you, we've done it all. ONE click gets you started. Seriously, one click. It's that easy.
Access: In your Member area on LEFT MENU select WEBSITE MANAGEMENT then click on SALES FUNNEL BUILDER
Remember you can sell these products to keep 100% of the commission and you can also use them yourself for personal use at no cost.
2. Diamond Rotator
Promote this ultra-popular low cost advertising service and earn commission on every sale you make.
Silver Members earn 20%, Platinum VIP Members earn 40%.
3. Gold Banner Rotator
Promote this ultra-popular low cost BANNER and TEXT advertising service and earn commission on every sale you make.
Silver Members earn 20%, Platinum VIP Members earn 40%.
4. FastCash Sites
We have built YOU 18 fully functional Turn-Key Money Sites and supplied you with a 3 Step Program to make money on DAY 1!
Worldprofit has partnered with some incredible product creators and licensed the right to allow Silver & Platinum members to sell their products for 100% profit. NOT 70% or 90%, but 100%
All you have to do is enter your PayPal email address so you get paid, then start promoting!
B. How George got a $1200 cash surprise in his email.
C. Featured Worldprofit Services
Worldprofit Support and Training
1. Online Bootcamp Lessons. Currently we have over 100 lessons, go at your own pace. Pick and choose the subjects you are interested.
Most lessons included videos to watch online. OR you can print the lessons out as a PDF.
2. Weekly LIVE interaractive Training EVERY Friday morning. Ask questions, request demonstrations. This training is for YOU, to get YOU on track and show you how to make the best use of the resources included in your mebmership that you can use for ANY and ALL your Affilaite programs. All LIVE events are recorded so our Members can watch later when convenient.
3. Online Support 7 Days a Week / 365 Days a Year.
Got a question? Need some direction? Submit a Support Ticket and we will get back to you right away.
Access: On TOP MENU select SUPPORT.
4. WorldprofitTube.com
We post important helpful instructional videos related to internet and affiliate marketing to our Video Training Site. Search by key word or topic.
5. Landing Page Builder - DEMONSTRATION
George demonstrated how to use the Landing Page Builder included in both the Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
6. Worldprofit Header Banner Creator - DEMONSTRATION
George demonstrated how to easily create your own banners, software is included in both the Silver and Platinum VIP Membership.
There you can create video graphics, YouTube Channel Graphics, Backgrounds, Facebook Header Graphics, Ecovers for Ebooks, Buttons.
Watch the help video to get started. No need to hire someone to do this, you can easily create gorgeous graphics as often as you need them.
7. Today, George covered only a handful of resources included in the Silver membership. To locate other resources you can search by key word in your Member area for specific products, services or topics. The LEFT menu is the most comprehensive and tools are organized by heading and subheading. If you're looking for something specific, submit a Support form and we can try to help you. The Bootcamp Lesson Summary is also a good way to see an outline of all the various topics, resources and tools covered in the training.
D. What's New?
Worldprofit Silver and Platinum VIP Members can now easily access their Diamond Ad Customers separately from your Dealers.
E. Sampling of comments and questions from participants
Linda: can you tell George loves training us?
Deb: he loves this business
Linda: George makes it fun to make money
Cosmos: George you deserve a medal. Thanks
Lennie: It's always great with George is training is GREAT
Lawrence: If you have a live chat on your website, can a video be setup to play when your not online?
Cosmos: I purchased a blog site how do I post automatically to it? Is there a video? I think I am not using the site as I should Can I post Diamond rotator to it?
Ivy: I love this business
Carolyn: I want to know about leads
Shirley: How do you put an image in a blog?
Anthony: I have not touched half of what I can do amazing
Wallace: Fantastic!
Robert: This is so great
Tania: This is so brilliant that makes my ads looking top notch. Thanks so much George.
Jane: I just love this I will be watching this video several times
Christal: Mind Blown!
William: I will be watching this page often. Great stuff!
Charles: Great! Thank you.
Christal: What link do we send to people to show them this training?
Alan: If I want to send safelist ads out in HTML format, how do I add my pic to the email? Whern I try it, it asks for a URL of the pic. Not sure what to do.
Announcement: Monitor Training Meeting is Saturday March 5th at 10 AM CT / 11 AM ET. All JR and SR Monitors urged to attend.
Access link will be emailed in the morning, and also posted to the Monitor Training area. This is a private link for Monitors ONLY.
Concluding Remarks:
Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training seminar.
The next LIVE Training Session is Friday March 11th at 8 AM CT / 9 AM ET. See you then!